• Beautiful flowers and gifts for all occasions, delivered across Malaysia!

Instruction Care - Birthday Bundles

Birthday Bundles

For cakes/Desserts

Refrigerate your cake

Once your cake arrives, please store it in a fridge. Certain cakes may be able to last at normal room temperature but some cakes absolutely need to be chilled. We think cold cakes taste better too.

Serve your cake

Cut the cake in any way you like with the included cake knife. Serve a slice on your favorite plate and pair it with a fine tea.

For ice cream cakes and ice cream

Freeze your ice cream

Once your ice cream pints or ice cream cake arrives, store it in the freezer immediately. Keep it frozen for at least 2 hours before serving for the best texture and flavor.

For Balloons

Place your balloon in a cool and dry room or shaded area. Avoid direct sunlight and extreme heat. All of these conditions may make your balloon pop.

Be extra careful when handling sharp or hot objects near the balloon. A slight brush of sharp scissors or a touch from a hot pan is enough for your balloon to go with a bang.

Display your balloons on a table or similarly tall surface to avoid playful pets from touching your balloon. Most pets have sharp claws which may accidentally pop them.


If your bundles contain fresh flowers in a bouquet:

Carefully remove the bouquet wraps with a pair of scissors. Cut gently along the surface of the wrapping papers and peel off any cellophane tape stuck to the stems.

The cleaner your vase, the lesser the bacteria and the longer your flowers bloom. Of course, you can also use a jar, a mug, a teapot, or anything that you fancy.

Fill the vase with cold tap water. Too much water can speed up the decay of the stems, and too little will hamper hydration. We suggest filling your vase up to two-thirds full.


Pro tips to make your own preservatives to keep cut flowers fresh longer. 

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar per quart (litre) of warm water.  The sugar nourishes theplants, while the vinegar inhibits bacterial growth. You’ll be surprised how long the arrangement stays fresh.”

Cut approximately 2 cm off each stem at a slant (and repeat every few days). Flower stems will brown and decay which will hamper hydration. By snipping off the bottom few centimetres, your flowers are hydrated better and last longer.

Remove all the lower leaves of your flower stems. Make sure there are no leaves in the water because they decay much faster underwater. Decaying leaves will create bacteria that will spoil your flowers.

After you've trimmed the stems and pruned the leaves, arrange them in your filled vase however you like. Here's a pro tip: place taller stems at the back and the short ones at the front.

Place your flowers in a cool room or shaded area. Avoid direct air-conditioning, direct sunlight, extreme heat, dust, and ripening fruit. All of these conditions may make your flowers wilt faster.

Change the water in your vase when the water becomes discolored or murky. Dirty water will block the stems and hamper hydration. The water in your vase should always be crystal clear. Again, use cold tap water.

When a flower begins to wilt, remove the petals or the whole flower from the bouquet. Flowers bloom and wilt at different times. Removing wilted flowers will help to avoid the spread of bacteria to the other flowers.

Spray or spritz your flowers with clean tap water once a day to give them additional hydration. Flowers can absorb water from places other than the base of their stems. To do this right, use a bottle with a fine mist setting and spray from 6 inches to 1 foot away from the flowers to ensure even coverage.


If your bundles contain plants:

Get the light right

Place your plant in a bright but shaded room or area. Avoid direct sunlight and extreme heat as it may make your plant wilt. If you're placing your plant beside a window, turn your pot around to ensure even light coverage to all areas of the plant.


Avoid overwatering

The best way to tell if your houseplant needs watering is to monitor the soil. Poke your finger into the soil to the first knuckle joint to see if it feels dry. Another way is to gently lift the houseplant. Wet soil will make it heavier to lift than dry soil. You could also buy a moisture meter if you prefer. Any sign that the plant isn't healthy is often an indicator that it is getting too much or too little water.

Get them some fresh air

Open windows near your house plants so they can breathe in fresh air. Plants consume carbon dioxide from the air in order to grow, and release oxygen as a return favor to you.


Prune gently

Remove any dead or dying leaves/branches to allow fresh new growth to arrive in its place.


Be pet safe

If you have pets, be aware some houseplants are toxic to them. For instance, golden pothos are toxic to cats and dogs. You should be able to find out this information with a quick bit of online research.


Get to know your individual houseplant

These general tips will help with houseplant care. However, some plants have their unique needs. For example, succulents need very little water. A little bit of online research will help you get to know your plant better.


For the other items in your package:

Your bundles may come with unique items like soft toys, chocolates, snacks, wines, etc. For these items, do read the care instructions provided with your item to care and store them properly.