• Beautiful flowers and gifts for all occasions, delivered across Malaysia!

October 20, 2022 3 min read

What are the most popular flowers and gifts for Valentine’s Day?

One of the most common gifts on Valentine’s Day would definitely be the gift of beautiful flowers. Nothing says “I love you” like a classic bouquet of red roses right? As this tradition began way back in time, it is still the best form of gift to this very day, but with a lot more variations!

With that being said, red roses are definitely the top choice when it comes to pampering your sweetheart on V'Day. Red roses symbolize love and romance. It  has captured the minds and hearts of lovers across the globe for generations and it is the perfect way of declaring your love when words are not enough.

In this current generation, there are a lot of personal preferences when it comes to Valentine’s Day gifts, as it may not be as simple as it used to be. Just like the saying, “The more the better.” Valentine’s Day gifts nowadays often come with chocolates and sweet treats like cakes or macarons. Bundle gifts often make our significant other feel showered with love as well as it makes them feel extremely special to us because it shows that we take the time and effort to have it all prepared.

Finding the perfect gift for your sweet Valentine this year? Continue reading and find out the best gifts you can send to your lover this Valentine’s Day and sweep them right off their feet!

Top Valentine's Day Flowers & Gifts


Princess Flowers Bouquet

Show your sweetheart how perfect they are to you! Our gorgeous Princess with marvelous red and pink roses, sprays of carnation, eucalyptusparfivolia, and tea leaves are the perfect Valentine's gift to show them how much they mean to you.

Enchanted Rose

Transport yourself to the fantasy world of Beauty and The Beast this Valentine’s Day with our Enchanted Rose flower box. An arrangement delicately decked with a stunning single preserved red rose - to represent your everlasting love. This arrangement is a symbol of love and hope for true love. It is the perfect gift to sweep your sweetheart off their feet.

Trinity Box Deluxe Collection - Hera

The most elegant gift of love - brimming with gorgeous red roses and decked with the sweetest baby breaths and murrayas. Our splendid Hera Trinity Box is a gift truly fit for the queen of your heart.Surprise your significant other with this exquisite arrangement and brighten their day like no other.

Into My Arms + German Cheesecake

Celebrate your darling with the most exquisite blooms this Valentine's Day with our marvelous Into My Arms flower bouquet. Brimming with sprays of red roses and carnations, decorated with parfivolias and tea leaves - this gorgeous arrangement is sure to light up the spark and keep the burning brighter than ever. Pair this bouquet with our delicious German Cheesecake and have yourself the sweetest Valentine’s Day ever!

Notting Hill

Our Notting Hill flower bouquet is a gorgeous gift of red roses, pink lilies, and rose carnations wrapped in our luxurious gifting paper. Although it is not your typical Valentine’s Day bouquet, this beautiful flower arrangement will still do the trick and leave a memorable impression as it will make your lover feel loved and special on this romantic occasion.

12 Red Roses Korean Style

Our 12 Red Roses Korean Style bouquet is brimming with 12 red roses symbolizes your true love. Being one of the customer’s top choices, this flower arrangement will definitely bring out the brightest smile this Valentine’s Day. - You can also pair it with a teddy or a box of chocolates to add that cherry on top.

Jade + Macaron

Our Jade + Macaron bundle comes with a simple red rose bouquet adorned with sweet baby breaths. It is one of the most classic flower bouquets for your one and only this Valentine’s Day. Add a little sweetness with our Macarons and make the sweetest memories on this special day with the perfect gift yet!


When it comes to Valentine’s Day gifts, you can either go with the classics or go out of your way and send the most exquisite bouquet there is with chocolates or sweet treats. Most importantly, it is good to remember that It is the thought that counts, and no matter what you give to your significant other, it will surely express how much they mean to you.

Shop our Valentine’s Day Collection today and send your sweetheart the perfect gift! Nothing is more rewarding than seeing the brightest smile while making the most precious memories on this romantic day. Here at Flower Chimp, we offer free delivery with every purchase and we are more than happy to deliver you blossoms on this special day.