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September 23, 2022 3 min read

Ho Ho Ho!

Wow, did you hear that? Christmas is fast approaching, so it's time to start working on those gifts again. It's also that time of year when the office holds its annual Secret Santa gift exchange, and everyone gets in the holiday spirit by thinking up presents for their coworkers.

Gift-giving for coworkers may be challenging since you want to get something nice to show your thanks for their help and hard work, but you also don't want to spend too much or get anything that could be frowned upon in the office. However, you don’t have to worry! We've compiled a list of the top Secret Santa presents, all of which are suitable for the office and definitely won't break the bank.

Lunch Box

Christmas Secret Santa Gift Ideas

A stylish, handy, and wonderful Christmas present is a simple lunch box, an everyday accessory that is also a requirement for most people. Gifts like an insulated lunchbox are universally appreciated because they involve the one thing that can make anyone happy: food!

Any time the recipient uses their lunch box, they'll think of you as a result of the gift's practicality and everyday relevance. That's the sort of thing you hope to receive as a present!

Coffee Mug

Christmas Secret Santa Gift Ideas

This one is for all the caffeine junkies in the office! If you're looking for a Secret Santa gift idea, a coffee mug is always a safe bet. Sometimes you need something else than the office mug, and it's even better if it arrives in a mug with a witty slogan or inspiring message. Now, whenever they get a cup of coffee, they'll undoubtedly remember you!


Christmas Secret Santa Gift Ideas

You might want to think about getting your coworkers a set of earphones for their Secret Santa gifts this year. Not only is it useful, but it's also simple to purchase without having to worry about whether or not they'll enjoy using it. 

Earphones are one of those things that wear out over time and need to be replaced, so if you give someone a new pair as a gift, those earphones can be something they use both inside and outside of the office. And they will be brought back to thinking of you!

Portable Chargers

Christmas Secret Santa Gift Ideas

Who isn't always on their phones these days? So, what could be a greater Secret Santa gift than a portable charger? Especially for coworkers who are always on their phones and near a charging port. You can also get portable chargers for your coworkers who go a great distance to get to the office. This practical gift would be greatly appreciated by them.

This present is inexpensive and simple to get. You don't have to worry about what kind of portable chargers to buy because they'll work with any device. You can practically buy for any of your coworkers!


Christmas Secret Santa Gift Ideas

Putting something cheery on their desk can't hurt, right? Grab a potted succulent plant to give to your coworkers. After a long day of staring at a screen, it can be relaxing to look at something that isn't a computer. Also, it will serve as a constant visual reminder of you to them. Rather than requiring constant attention, succulents are a thoughtful gift because of how little upkeep they require. Plus, it won't break the bank!